About Nada
Nada is a pluridisciplinary platform for though, art and science, dealing mostly with tecnoculture. It exists as a printed magazine since October 2003. This site does not aim to be a mere duplicate of Nada magazine, and so it will tread its own path.
Editorial by João Urbano
Better than any program of intentions you have from now on access to this, let’s say, unqualified and undisciplined work that is Net Nada. This is not a doubling of Nada magazine or a mere supplement of it, nor is it an online journal. It is true that the force lines of Nada magazine will be present here, though exploring the possibilities of a different medium. In this sense this project will try not only to build gradually an archive with materials that Nada magazine has gathered for the last ten years, but also to intervene in the cultural issues of the present time, avoiding the journalistic day-by-day or any attitude implying cultural journalism. We prefer to work directly with philosophers, artists and scientists, promoting hybridization among different disciplinary fields and projecting force lines capable of intensifying a laboratorial art and an experimental thinking that dares almost everything and does not avoid questioning the tecnoculture and the search of a post-humanity, even if it fails. That said, such a platform might strength and expand what has started with Nada magazine – that continues –, and might weave around it as well a gathering of alliances and creative complicities with laboratories, universities, artists, scientists, and a global interested public, using in parallel the English and the Portuguese languages.
Such a platform is today a privileged medium not only to divulge but also to promote connections and global complicities that propitiate a different kind of work in the Net. These alliances are fundamental to the investigation and accomplishment of certain projects, as well as to the creation of a heteroclite and pluridisciplinary community of artists, scientists, philosophers, etc. In this sense we want to reinforce a work of experimenting and divulging of certain hybrid morphologies that seem to us determinant to the future of thought, art and science. We will foment the crossing of artists with scientists, philosophers, etc., convinced as we are that the theoretical, critical and artistic work should have a strong experimental character. This project has to do equally with an effort to aggregate disciplines and its agents that sometimes live in isolated islands, putting them in contact to promote strange and out of place connections; together we can deal much better with complexity, fragmentation and becoming.
This is a play of heteroclite connections, an undisciplinary play. Nada does not belong to any specific system or field, be it literary, scientific or artistic. It is hors-lieu, outside of disciplinary systems of knowledge and of its mechanisms of legitimation. But it will fetch from those diverse fields those that can be played sidelong. Its aim is the freedom to exceed technoculture, keeping it though as an available, interchangeable and even literary material. Its vocation is to articulate very different kinds of knowledge, a mosaic of irregular pieces that do not fit one upon the other, but that in creating tension install a force field that can be tuned up. Its main purpose is to sponge dispersion and compose something out of multiplicity, without neither reducing it nor trying to integrate it in any totality. What is here in question is to breakthrough. A sort of a supervening, of composing traces of world with that multiplicity of knowledges and manners of knowing and love, without being erased by them, but, on the contrary, being able to operate them, dragging them. As if we worked in the midst of various disciplines. That is, as a celibate machine that promotes connections among distinct disciplinary fields, or the asceticism of the hybrid. And doing it without fearing any risk, even if we know so little, being so scarce what we master – if we master anything – though, once again, the point is to tune up what supervenes upon all dispositives of calculation, power and commodification of desire. Top |
Coordenation João Urbano
Edition Manuel Granja João Urbano Jorge Leandro Rosa
Project Manager Ana Teresa Real
Team Ana Teresa Real André Favilla Aécio Amaral Emerson Freire Herwig Turk João Maria Gusmão Jorge Leandro Rosa João Oliveira Laymert Garcia dos Santos Luís Quintais Marta de Menezes Paulo Urbano Pedro Peixoto Ferreira Silva Carvalho Sousa Dias
Graphic and webdesign Manuel Granja
Webdevelopment Ricardo Freitas
m [+351] 96 256 0227 fax/tel [+351] 21 7965 258 Rua João Soares, nº 13, 1º Esq. 1600–060 Lisboa Portugal